Vocalize | Easily create AI music covers & Text-To-Speech with your favorite AI voices

Choose from your favorite AI voices and create AI music covers or Text-To-Speech with them. Select from thousands of popular AI voices available in our community library.

Vocalize | Easily create AI music covers & Text-To-Speech with your favorite AI voices


What is Vocalize?

Vocalize is a voice changer app where users can create cover songs using AI voices and text-to-speech audio. You can access a variety of trending AI voices from our community library and even replicate your own voice to sing any song.

How can I use Vocalize for free?

Certainly! Upon signing up, you will receive 3 free voice generation credits without having to provide your credit card details. Enjoy!


Access 20,000+ AI Voices

  • Converter for limitless creativity
  • Unlimited conversions
  • Faster conversion without waiting in line
  • Full access to the AI Voice library
  • Ability to upload unlimited models
  • Create covers simultaneously
  • Advanced settings for your conversions
  • High-quality output
  • 24/7 live chat support



  • For limitless creativity
  • $14.99 $9.99 USD


Is the payment safe?

Yes! We utilize Stripe for payment processing and do not store any credit card information on our servers. Stripe is a leading online payment processor and holds the highest level of certification in the industry.

Is this a monthly subscription?

Yes! You can cancel your subscription at any time through your account billing settings.

Can I get a refund?

Certainly! Please refer to our Refund policy to confirm your eligibility.

How long do AI generations take?

AI generations typically take between 1 to 5 minutes, depending on demand and song length. During your free trial, if there is high demand, your generation may take longer. Subscribing to our service grants you priority generation and bypasses the queue.

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