Product discovery and development platform — Fibery

Unite product discovery and development. Analyze user feedback, identify top insights, track development, and close the feedback loop.

Product discovery and development platform — Fibery


What is Fibery+AI

Fibery+AI is a product discovery and development platform that helps analyze user feedback and market signals, identify top insights, and unite discovery with development.

How can I centralize feedback with Fibery+AI?

Fibery+AI enables users to centralize market signals and feedback from different sources, track all new requests in a dedicated view, and connect feedback to product hierarchy.

What features does Fibery+AI offer?

Fibery+AI offers features such as feedback management, prioritization, feature specs creation, roadmapping, and integration with dev tools to bridge the gap between product and dev teams.

How much does Fibery+AI cost?

Fibery+AI offers a pricing plan starting at $10 per user/month, billed annually, with a 14-day free trial available.

What makes Fibery+AI unique?

Fibery+AI is unique in its ability to do both discovery and development, with advanced work management features, including AI, automations, reports, and custom permissions.

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