AI or Not | AI Detector to Check for AI in Images & Audio

Leading AI detector with 100k+ users, AI or Not checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more.

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AI or Not | AI Detector to Check for AI in Images & Audio


What is AI or Not?

AI or Not is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a wide range of AI technologies to meet various needs, such as detecting AI in images and audio.

How can I use AI or Not for AI detection?

Users can use AI or Not for free up to a certain limit. Subscribing to the platform offers additional benefits and extended access beyond the free limits.

Features of AI or Not

AI or Not offers several features, including:

Image AI Detector

Identify fraud and misinformation by verifying if an image was generated using AI technology.

Audio AI Checker

Safeguard music copyrights by determining if an artist's voice was utilized in AI-generated audio.

GenKYC (coming soon)

Ensure compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) verification while confirming if AI was involved in the creation of a selfie or identity document.

Video AI Checker (coming soon)

Identify deepfakes in video content for KYC, scams, and misinformation detection.


AI or Not provides different pricing plans, which include:

Yearly Free

$0 per month, with 10 monthly AI or Not Image checks.


$5 per month, billed annually, offering 100 monthly AI or Not Image checks, full API response, premium web reports with specific model detection, and 5 AI or Not Audio checks.


$250 per month, billed annually, providing 10,000 monthly AI or Not Image checks, $0.04 per AI or Not Image check beyond 10,000, and 100 monthly AI or Not Audio checks.


Custom volume pricing, reseller rights, on-prem hosting option, 30-day free trial, integration support, and dedicated assistance.

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